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£15 Gift Voucher

  • Model: GIFT-15


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You can purchase Gift Vouchers and then use the money yourself later, or send the amount you've paid for to friends via email! You can send to as many friends as you like, up to the total value of your Gift Vouchers. Once the Gift Vouchers are approved by Admin, you will receive a code to use to release the funds. If you send the money to your friends, they will each get a Redemption Code to use. The customer can then USE those funds for themselves, OR they can email them to friend(s) via the links provided automatically in the store (esp shopping cart sidebox). You can email as much as you want, to various people, up to the amount you've purchased. Whoever you email it to will receive a new redemption code and can follow the redemption process, either redeeming via the email link, going to the Gift Certificate FAQ page or redeeming during checkout. The holder can email the funds again if they wish or use the GV Balance for themselves.

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 17 July, 2019.

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