New Mould for 2022!
The Dungeon troll mould has been remade and he received a new face along with it! Please note that the painted pictures here show the old head, the new one can be seen in the 'unpainted resin' picture
Resin Dungeon Troll
Contents: Dungeon Troll #1 Upper Body, lower body/legs, Right Arm, Left Forearm, 50mm Plastic Base

RESIN ITEM: This pack contains resin components - they should ideally be washed in warm soapy water (use washing up detergent ie for dishes) using an old toothbrush to remove any remaining mould-release agent before being painted. If sanding or filing resin, please wear a dustmask to prevent inhalation of fine resin dust. Resin models must be glued using superglue (cyanoacrylate). Any gaps should be filled with modelling putty such as Procreate or Greenstuff
As resin figures are cast by hand and it is a labour-intensive, time-consuming process, there may be a delay in filling your order whilst we cast stock up, if demand is great. Please be patient!

This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 08 November, 2015.