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  • Model: BORIS008_METAL
  • Shipping Weight: 0.05kgs

Starting at: £20.00
Sale: £15.00
Save: 25% off

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This model is quite large (about 8 feet tall in 'old school '28mm scale from the 80s) and is ideal for use in 'heroic' 28mm scale (90s to 2010s), or the more modern '32mm' scale (2018 onwards) that GW have recently started using.


April 6th, 2002, and a legend was born. Half-ogre, shorn of head and scanty of clothing, Big Boris has been a popular mainstay in the Heresy range ever since, with several versions of the figure making it into production, and a whole new re-sculpt back in 2005. Now at last, to mark the 10th anniversary of Heresy opening it's internet orifices to the public, and still fond of ol' Bozza,  as well as wanting to see how much his sculpting skills have improved over the years, Andy Foster (Founder, Supreme Overlord and mouldmaker, caster, cleaner, etc as required) has sculpted a new Big Boris at last!

The sculpt is still as enormous as Big Boris MK II, to properly reflect his half-ogre genetics and make him stand out from all the merely large barbarian figures out there in the world of miniatures, and the ones that Andy will try to find time to sculpt for heresy in the future, such as the lamentably missing Mullet The Barbarian, who's also due a re-sculpt at some point. You can confidently produce BB3 and plonk him on the table to awed gasps of 'Blimey, he's enormous!' from the other players when they see your new hero.

Make no mistake, this is a large figure - at 43mm top-of-head to foot, in game terms he'd be a little over eight and a half feet tall. He has hands that could crush a regular man's head like a paper cup and legs bigger than most people's whole torso. Truly, he is ogrish.

The scenic base has part of a magic circle  made out in flagstones, but is mainly covered by a severed wizard's arm and scroll. If your enemy isn't wearing his magic rings or holding his magic scroll any more, he can't use them!

This figure is limited to a casting run of 500 in metal. Once he's gone he's gone!  The amount in stock reflects the amount left to sell and will be altered by sales at shows, trade orders, and so forth, some items in sudden jumps, so don't wait about if you want one! You never know when that counter might hit zero...

Pack Contents: Big Boris body IN METAL OR RESIN, metal Axe, metal Dagger, RESIN OR METAL Scenic Base can be added on to this item. Please note that the metal body is limited in number and will be removed from sale once sold out. Resin body will be continued.

If you would prefer not to have the scenic base, this will drop the price down by £7.50 off the full price of £25.00 - that's the ridiculously high price of metal for you these days! - if you choose not to buy the scenic metal base, choose a plastic base instead, as normal, from the options by the buy now box above.

Cast in metal alloy that contains a small amount of lead for better quality casting.  Supplied Unassembled and unpainted. All multi-part kits require some filling, pinning and superglue. Unsuitable for children under 14 yrs of age.

Metal model kit - as with all our metal figure kits we cast them up on site so if this model is marked as Out Of Stock you can ignore that warning - we will just cast it up for your order as normal!

Please note that all our figure kits are supplied unassembled and unpainted. They may need pinning, supergluing and gap-filling prior to painting with acrylic paints.

Current Reviews: 1

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 28 March, 2012.

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