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Sacculak (Occulak #1)

  • Shipping Weight: 0.03kgs

Sale: £7.50
Save: 25% off

Minimum Delivery Method:

Small Parcel

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Sacculaks are disgusting creatures, they smell worse than they look, and their personalities stink worse.

Contents: Sacculak body, Flying Stand & Base

RESIN ITEM: This pack contains resin components. If sanding or filing resin, please wear a dustmask to prevent inhalation of fine resin dust. Resin models must be glued using superglue (cyanoacrylate). Any gaps should be filled with modelling putty such as Procreate or Grennstuff - see Modelling Putty section for our current stock

As resin figures are cast by hand and it is a labour-intensive, time-consuming process, there may be a delay in filling your order whilst we cast stock up, if demand is great. Please be patient!


Occulaks are disgusting, leering demons that can be found in the lower planes of the Netherhells usually serving powerful demonlords as sentries and messengers. Their freakish, revolting bodies throb and swell as they float through the air, and their tongues constantly lick their plump lips. They giggle in high pitched tones and manifest all manner of flailing limbs, tentacles and phallic extruberances that they attack their victims with. An Occualk will attempt to penetrate a victim's mouth or other orifice with it's tongue or one of it's pseudolimbs, at which point the victim will become possessed and begin to transform into another Occulak in hours, their own limbs shrinking and body mutating into another leering, floating, wrinkled bag. Occulaks can transmit what they see to their masters and mistresses and if they spot a party of adventurers a swarm of Enemy monsters will not be far behind them.

I cast everything up on site so you can ignore Out Of Stock Warnings!

This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 08 November, 2015.

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