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It's my 50th birthday - for 24 hours only, there's up to 40% off!!


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'The BEST Ghouls in the world' Your words....and mine as well, cos they really are amazing.

Check out the new and returning figures in the Science Fiction section!

They're back to conquer the galaxy, from about chest height

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We have several Twitter accounts according to your taste!
If you want all of the Heresy news, plus a load of rants about real life, massive debts, dismay at TV shows, amusing jokes and whimsical pictures, follow @Heresy_Andy

Follow @Heresy_Andy

If, however, you just want the pure Heresy Miniatures related news, ie stuff about the new releases, website updates, important news and NO amusing pictures, jokes etc, then follow @Heresy_Minis

Follow @HeresyMinis Tweets by @HeresyMinis


Go to the official Heresy Miniatures Ltd Facebook page here and click 'Like'



Andy posts work in progress pictures of models he's working on, alongside the occasional loaf of bread or interesting nature shot on Instagram.

Buy Me A Coffee!

Or if you just want to show a bit of support and don't want any miniatures or monthly schemes, you can send me the price of a coffee.cup of tea/bucket of meths as you see fit via ko-fi.com here: https://ko-fi.com/A600M6J 
It may only be £3.00 to you, but if enough of you sent me it, I could pay off one of my credit cards, in theory...(if 1000 of you sent me £3.00, anyway)

28mm scale Fantasy miniatures - heroes, villains, demons and other monsters

Featured Products - FANTASY

Sale: £18.00
Save: 25% off
RESIN Demoness Furies, Set of 3
RESIN Demoness Furies, Set of 3
Sale: £15.00
Save: 25% off
The Tunnel Dweller [RESIN]
The Tunnel Dweller [RESIN]
Sale: £30.00
Save: 25% off
Sale: £15.00
Save: 25% off
(Armoured Boris 2017) Fallen Boris
(Armoured Boris 2017) Fallen Boris
Sale: £18.00
Save: 25% off
Monstrous Spider - (NEW) RESIN & Metal version
Monstrous Spider - (NEW) RESIN & Metal version
Sale: £11.25
Save: 25% off
RESIN Maggotmen 3-Pack
RESIN Maggotmen 3-Pack
Sale: £11.25
Save: 25% off
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