• Model: KS GIANT
  • Shipping Weight: 0.75kgs
  • 94 Units in Stock


You demanded I make one, so I will, but he won't be finished until AT LEAST  towards the end of June 2015... SO DON'T CHOOSE THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO WAIT FOR IT TO BE FINISHED!

It will only partially look like any of the pictures below, as it develops from concept through sculpting to finished model. Things will work or not work as the model progresses and Andy will often rip stuff off to improve it aesthetically or casting wise. But the pictures should give you some sort of idea of the end product. (Size is yet to be determined - if the end product is deemed a bit small to be worth £75 any shortfall will be made up through something nice like a bust of that head sketch in the pictures. But it'll probably be pretty damn big... just trust Andy to make an absolutely splendid model!) Work In Progress pictures and final product shots will be added as and when work starts on it in the summer of 2015.